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Periodic training for employees in manual positions

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Periodic training for employees in manual positions

Workers on a construction site wearing helmets
We organize professional and comprehensive occupational health and safety (OHS) training for workers in manual labor positions. Our training is conducted by our well-trained and certified team, who have years of experience in providing safety and hygiene at work training. Adhering to safety regulations and principles is a fundamental responsibility for every worker in manual labor positions, making this training mandatory for active participation in the profession. We approach each client individually and are happy to answer any questions or concerns.

Our Training Offer

In collaboration with OHS and fire safety experts, we have developed a course program that thoroughly covers all aspects of safety and hygiene at work for workers in manual labor positions. During our lessons, you will acquire knowledge about:
  • legal regulations related to OHS and work-related laws,
  • hazards and how to prevent them,
  • first aid and procedures in case of accidents,
  • common workplace accidents and their causes,
  • evacuation and fire protection (PPOŻ).
We conduct training through short multimedia videos, lectures, and discussions with course participants. We believe these training elements yield the best results in knowledge acquisition for our trainees. The key advantage of our training is direct interaction with the training staff and a pleasant atmosphere during the sessions.
The course concludes with a written exam. Upon obtaining a positive result, participants receive a certificate confirming their completion of the training based on the template provided in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labor of July 27, 2004, regarding training in the field of occupational health and safety.

Who Is Our Training For?

Periodic OHS training for manual labor workers is intended for:
  • industrial processing workers,
  • wholesale trade professionals,
  • automotive mechanics,
  • construction workers,
  • transportation personnel.
The first periodic OHS training must be completed within 12 months from the start of employment in these positions. Subsequent periodic training should be done every 3 years, while positions with high risk should have annual retraining.

What Are the Goals of Our Training?

The goal of our training is to provide workers with the highest level of education. The training aims to update and complement knowledge and skills in the following areas:
  • workplace hazards and occupational diseases,
  • methods of preventing hazards and occupational diseases,
  • consequences of improper work hygiene,
  • assessment of workplace hazards,
  • procedures for crisis situations and those dangerous to life and health.

Where Does the Training Take Place?

Periodic OHS training is held at our company headquarters in Warsaw. We provide a well-prepared multimedia room with a coffee service for course participants. For organized groups, we offer the option of our training staff traveling to the workplace. The only requirement is a conference room with a projector, which is essential for conducting professional training. We provide teaching materials for all course participants. During the training, our instructors will answer all questions and help understand all OHS-related issues.

Questions and Answers

Who are our periodic OHS training sessions for?

Our periodic OHS training is for manual labor workers, but our offer includes other OHS training options as well.

How often should periodic OHS training be renewed?

The first periodic OHS training is mandatory within 12 months from the initial day of employment. Periodic training should be renewed every 3 years, and for positions with high risk, it should be renewed annually.

Where are your training sessions conducted?

Our training sessions take place at our headquarters in Warsaw.