Courses for qualifications with certificates

G3ED training-seminar on safe operation and supervision - operation, maintenance, assembly, repairs, and measurements of networks, installations, and devices generating, processing, transmitting, and consuming gas fuels

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G3ED training-seminar on safe operation and supervision - operation, maintenance, assembly, repairs, and measurements of networks, installations, and devices generating, processing, transmitting, and consuming gas fuels

Connecting Gas Boiler

The training company "ERGON" conducts courses and training throughout Poland. We organize energy training (G1/G1E, G1D), thermal training (G2, G2E, G2D), and gas training (G3, G3E, G3D). For over a decade, we have been conducting training courses throughout Poland and have thousands of satisfied customers.

Our team of specialists will assist you in acquiring new skills and qualifications for safe operation and/or supervision of gas fuel production, processing, transmission, and utilization equipment, networks, and installations.

Training Program

Training at our training center is conducted in both theoretical and practical forms. Course participants begin with lecture-based classes and then move on to practical tasks under the guidance of our specialists.

The training program can be selected for both operation and supervision.

Key topics covered during the training include:
  • Classification of gas fuel production equipment
  • Maintenance of equipment and tools
  • Legal regulations and occupational health and safety
  • Gas network installation
  • Gas boilers: types and functions
  • Gas network division
  • Compressors
  • Repair work
  • Emergency plans in case of failures
  • Control and measurement equipment.

Who is the Course for?

The course is dedicated to individuals looking to gain qualifications for the supervision and operation, maintenance, assembly, measurements, and servicing of networks, installations, and equipment related to the production, processing, transmission, and utilization of gas fuel. We prepare participants for passing the state exam in front of commissions across Poland.


The "ERGON" training center prepares course participants for the state examination held by commissions such as SEP, PSE, SITPS, and other organizations across Poland. Participants have the right to choose one of the aforementioned institutions to take the exam.

Electrical Authorization G1

Employees engaged in the operation and supervision of electrical equipment, networks, and installations with voltages up to and above 1kV can take this course. The course covers operation, maintenance, repair, assembly, and control and measurement tasks.

Thermal Authorization G2

This training is intended for individuals involved in the supervision of thermal equipment and installations. The acquired knowledge enables the operation, maintenance, repair, and installation of thermal installations and networks. Authorizations cover the operation of steam, water, and industrial boilers, as well as compressors.

Gas Authorization G3

Gas training courses are designed for employees engaged in the operation and supervision of gas equipment, installations, and networks. This training covers tasks related to operation, maintenance, assembly, and repair. It includes the operation of industrial gas consumers with a power exceeding 50 kW, gas turbines, and gas fuel storage equipment.

Certifying Commissions Include:

PSE - Polish Electrical Installation Association
SIMP - Association of Polish Engineers and Mechanics
SEP - Polish Association of Electricians
Other professional courses offered at our center include:
  • Forklift operator training
  • Alpinist work training
  • Crane signaling training
  • Scaffolding maintenance training
  • Backhoe loader operator training.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which commission can I take the G3E exam with?

Course participants have the choice of selecting the commission in front of which they would like to take the G3E exam.

Which commissions accept the G3ED exam?

The G3ED exam can be taken in front of commissions such as SEP, PSE, SITPS, and others located in Poland.

Is it possible to arrange a closed course?

Yes, we offer both closed and open courses.