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Initial Training – General HSE Instruction for New Physical and/or Office Workers

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Initial Training – General HSE Instruction for New Physical and/or Office Workers

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Our training center specializes in Occupational Health and Safety (BHP) and Fire Protection Training (PPOŻ). In our offer, you will find initial and periodic training for both physical and office workers, as well as for those in managerial positions. Our experienced and qualified staff will teach you workplace safety and hygiene principles and show you how to prevent risks. BHP training is mandatory for every new employee, and the cost of training is covered by the employer. Courses must be renewed every few years depending on the job position. Training for workers in physical positions cannot be conducted online, but it can be done online for office and managerial employees.  

Key Information about BHP Training

According to the Labor Code, the employer is obligated to provide BHP training on the day a new employee starts working. A new employee cannot commence their duties without initial training on workplace safety and hygiene. BHP courses are divided into initial and periodic training.

Initial Training - What Does It Entail? 

Newly employed individuals must undergo initial training, which includes general and job-specific instruction. Initial training is conducted by a trained employer or an employee appointed by the employer who has the necessary qualifications. It is often the case that the employer outsources the training of new employees to an external company.

Job-Specific Instruction - What Does It Involve?  

Job-specific instruction is conducted directly by the employer at the employee's workplace. During job-specific training, employees acquire knowledge in the following areas: 

  • Workplace safety and hygiene,
  • Labor law, criminal code, civil code,
  • First aid,
  • Fire protection (PPOŻ) and workplace evacuation,
  • Workplace hazards.

After completing initial BHP training, employees receive an initial training certificate, which is valid for 6 months (for managerial employees) to 12 months (for other employees). After this period, every employee must undergo periodic training.  

Periodic BHP Training  

The first periodic BHP training must take place within a year of hiring a new employee or within 6 months of initial training, depending on the job position. After completing periodic training, a knowledge test is conducted. Upon achieving a positive result, a certificate of knowledge update on BHP regulations and participation in training is issued. The validity period of periodic training varies for different employee categories: 

  • Physical workers performing hazardous work, e.g., work at heights - 1 year,
  • Physical workers - 3 years,
  • Office and administrative employees - 5 years,
  • Employers and managerial positions - 5 years.

The employer is exempt from the obligation to provide periodic BHP training to employees in administrative and office positions when: 

  • The type of the employer's predominant activity falls into a category of activities with no higher than a third category of risk,
  • The occupational risk assessment does not indicate the need for periodic training.

Who Can Conduct Periodic BHP Training?  

Periodic BHP training can only be conducted by adequately trained and experienced staff, which you can find in our training center.  

Where Do Initial Training Sessions Take Place?  

Our training can take place either in person at the employer's location or online. Online training is conducted in an e-learning format. We particularly recommend this type of training due to independent learning, free progression through the content, and quick knowledge verification through tests after completing each chapter. 

For groups of new employees, we provide transportation of our staff to your company's location. 

We also offer BHP training for new employees in English and Ukrainian! 

What Will Employees Gain from Our Initial BHP Training?  

Our highly qualified staff will provide knowledge about workplace hazards, employee rights, workplace safety, and hygiene. Newly hired employees will gain confidence in their new workplace and will be able to handle any crisis situation. 

What Do We Offer as Part of Our Training? 

  • Access to all training materials,
  • Helpful and experienced staff,
  • Coffee service (for live training sessions).

We encourage you to contact us to learn more.   

Frequently Asked Questions

When should initial BHP training for a new employee take place?

Initial BHP training should take place on the first day of the employee's employment.

How long is the initial BHP training valid for an employee?

The initial BHP training for an employee is valid for 6 to 12 months after completion. After this period, periodic training must be undertaken.

What does your company offer as part of BHP training?

We offer access to all training materials, experienced staff, and coffee service for on-site training sessions.